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File Delinquent Returns
    We Handle All Your Delinquent Tax Issues
    We Communicate With the IRS on Your Behalf
    Our Experience Will Give You Peace of Mind
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The IRS locates non-filers through its automated Information Returns System (IRP). This program compares W-2 statements and 1099 income reports from employers and/or other payers to the records of payee-filed returns. If the IRP system fails to match up a 1099 or W-2 with a filed return, the IRS initiates a Taxpayer Delinquency Investigation (TDI). Due to the precision of this system, the IRS is able to identify delinquent filers within 1 to 2 years after a filing due date. The taxpayer is notified and a request for the tax return is sent out. If the taxpayer does not respond to this request, the IRS will prepare a tax return on behalf of the taxpayer, known as an SFR (Substitute for Return). Unfortunately, the IRS does not include any tax credits or deductions the taxpayer may be entitled to in this substitute return. This ensures that the taxpayer will be paying taxes for the highest tax bracket applicable to his or her income. Once the SFR has been established, the IRS begins the Collections Process.

If you know that you will owe, failure to file a tax return is a misdemeanor that may result in a $25,000 fine for each year of non-filing. However, the IRS will not prosecute if you contact the agency before a notice is sent out. In addition, the IRS is more lenient in their collections when you before they begin the collections process. Remember, the SFR does not include deductions and credits, so you may not owe as much as you think.

Call United Tax Group at (888) 903-4399. We can start preparing your unfiled tax returns today.